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Fresh Made Miso Soup


Fresh, Hot, and Warming for both the body and soul.  As with all of the items of Ohayo Sushi and Seafood, these soups are made fresh with only the painstaking dedication to the perfect broth being prepared in advance. 


Click on Any Image to Get a Detailed Description.

Fresh made miso soup tyler texas

Miso Soup

Tap on the Image to learn why this Japanese staple has remained the mainstay of every Japanese Restaurant

Fresh Vegetable Soup from the Best Sushi Restaurant in Tyler

Vegetable Soup

Click on the Bowl in the image above and you'll see the difference between anything in a red and white can and Ohayo's fresh Vegetable Soup.

Clear Soup Tyler Texas Ohayo Sushi

Clear Soup

Clear soup refers to the broth.  A light and subtle chicken broth.  Tap on it to see why this seemingly simple paring works as well in the east as Peanut Butter and Jelly do here.

fresh made to order seafood soup with mussels scallops and shrimp tyler

Seafood Soup

Taking the perfect broth.  Adding in the perfect vegetables, and harmonizing them with fresh seafood.  Want to know everything in this Umami bomb?  Tap and See for yourself.

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