Are You Ready to Grumble??
Don't Worry, We're Talking to your Stomach.

See this little guy? Isn't he stupidly Cute? We're thinking about adding an Asian Inspired Sunday Brunch to the mix.
Like it isn't enough to want to be the Best sushi in Tyler, now we want to be the best brunch to? Well, if you're not aiming, you're not hitting.
Anyway, On to some Yummies.

Did you know we have a full stock bar? Like no joke, we have the ability to make over 1500 drinks and cocktails. Not all at once. I'm pretty sure it would take us like a whole day, and then only if a few hundred of them were like beers or shots. But yeah, we have some pretty unique items too. Ask about our lychee blended margarita, a Drunkin Boba Shot, or the drink that started us down this big rabbit hole; The Spicy Sunrise.
Anyway, back to your salivary exercise routine.

How have you not eaten your phone yet? You are here, staring at the best sushi in Tyler, TX. Ok, no, you are staring at the best sushi in all of Texas and you haven't had to turn your phone in for liquid damage yet? That is pretty, what was that? How do we know you are reading this on your phone? Spooky right? We also know your name is Amy.
Ok, so honestly, almost 90% of the people who come to our website are on their phones today. It's not magic, it's just playing the odds. But how cool is it if your name is actually Amy? We pulled that name out of a hat. Or maybe it's the wife of someone who works here, or maybe it's just a common enough name.
But if you are Amy, crazy right?
Anyway, back to the pictures...

Ok, it's not food, it's the rain out in front of our restaurant, but c'mon, that is just beautiful. At least it's not frozen over with ice and snow. Bout tired of all of that. We're the best sushi in Tyler, not the best Sushi in the Arctic.

Remember at the beginning when we talked about the drinks and I told you about our Spicy Sunrise and then went on to blah blah how we were the best sushi in Tyler? Well that's it right there. Actually, she is not camera shy and we got a bunch of pics of her. Here:

See what I mean? She's in more pictures than any other drink on our menu. I mean I get it, you take a top shelf margarita, freshly muddled ripe strawberries and a sauce so good and so secret that I'm afraid for the existence of the guy who has how it was made on actual video. Yes, this drink is that good. Not kidding, it could have it's own Google Reviews Account. But anyway, just a question. Are you enjoying this? I mean, it's my job to write all this text so that the electronic powers that be see it and go, like, wow, this site is relevant. I have to add like several pages a day just to keep the big search engine, oh, give me a second, BEST SUSHI IN TYLER TEXAS, ok that should make them happy. But you. I really do hope your enjoying this and not just sitting there cringing harder than I do about 15 seconds into a Karen Gone Wild video on TikTok. Did I add more pictures here yet? Well, if I did, I have to put them on a new page and there would be this little button below this text that you would have to tap that would look something like....